National Mushroom Day 2018

As mentioned in last week’s article this one is going to address the National Mushroom Day 2018. But what is the relation with the shown pictures?

The National Mushroom Day 2018 took place the 19th of April. Prior to this event, all the growers in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium received a postcard promoting Mush Comb’s newest innovation. The day itself, Bob held a 3-minute pitch about the Compact+ Picking Lorry. The picture illustrates two of the many advantages of this Picking Lorry.

We will dedicate a future article to go deeper into detail with regards to the Compact+ Picking Lorry, but if this got you interested feel free to visit Compact + Picking Lorry for additional information, pictures and video’s.

With an attendance of 250 people, the National Mushroom Day 2018 was a great success.

The key takeaway for us was the positive impact social media can have on the mushroom industry. The market can grow as a whole with an increased worldwide activity on social media and sharing of knowledge.

We would like to thank Mushroom Valley, Scelta Mushrooms, Delphy and LTO for the organization of this fruitful event.

© Mush Comb 2025
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